There are a lot of people who seem to request these on a daily basis on forums across the web. These are some basic questions you should answer before posting a request for a VPS service.
VPS (Virtual Private Servers) Providers – sometimes known as VDS (Virtual Dedicated Servers)
*Guaranteed RAM (normal increments : 128MB, 256MB, 384MB, 512MB, etc)
*burst RAM (if applicable : 128MB, 256MB, 384MB, 512MB, etc)
*Disk Space (500MB, 2GB, 5GB, etc)
*Bandwidth (50GB, 300GB, 1TB, etc)
*IP Addresses (1 IP, 2 IP’s, 3 IP’s, etc.)
*Location (USA east/west/central, EU, offshore, etc)
*VPS Panel (Virtuozzo, hyperVM, Panenthe, VDS Manager, etc)
*Panel (cPanel, Direct Admin, PLESK,free?, etc)
*Container technology (XEN, OpenVZ, etc)
*OS (What version linux, or Windows)
*Payment plan (Do you want options for bi-annual, semi-annual, or just plain monthly?)
*Managed, or unmanaged?
Those are the basic questions you should think about when asking for a VPS provider. I hope these are somewhat helpful.