drivers Operating Systems Windows 7

Getting Panasonic CF-53 USB3.0 Drivers to load into WinPE/Landesk

This one was a headache! I got all drivers loaded properly for Panasonic CF-53 in Windows 7, except one unknown device, which was actually a USB 3.0 Hub driver. It would not load the traditional way, so what I ended up doing was taking the drivers, and putting them on the image itself under C:\windows\inf folder

If you would like the drivers, you can get them here :

drivers Operating Systems Windows 7

Panasonic Toughbook CF-53 ACPI\MAT0021 driver

We are getting in some new CF-53 – Standard laptops. My task is to find some drivers that are missing. One was


The driver is for the Panasonic Misc. You can get it from Panasonic’s website, or you can pull it from here (this one is for windows 7 32bit sp1):

If you have a different model Toughbook, you will want to go through Panasonic’s driver website, searching with your specific model laptop.

Enjoy :).

drivers Operating Systems Windows 7

Panasonic Toughbook CF-53 ACPI\MAT0019 driver

We are getting in some new CF-53 – Standard laptops. My task is to find some drivers that are missing. One was


The driver is for the hot key’s. You can get it from Panasonic’s website, or you can pull it from here (this one is for windows 7 32bit sp1) :

If you have a different model Toughbook, you will want to go through Panasonic’s driver website, searching with your specific model laptop.

Enjoy :).


How to make ringtones for iPhone in iTunes

1: Launch iTunes
2: Find the song that you want to use for your iPhone ringtone, make note of the start and stop times of what you want to be the actual ringtone (the chorus, or whatever).
3: Control-click (Mac) or Right-click (Windows) the song you chose and select ‘Get Info’
4: Click the ‘Options’ tab and set the start and stop time of your ringtone in the settings below. Keep the selection at 30 seconds or less. Click ‘OK’ – Note: I suggest making a backup copy of the song so you don’t accidentally shorten the song itself.
[zp src=”ringtones-itunes.jpg” album=”vivi” width=”600″]
5: Control-click (Mac) or Right-click (Windows) the song again and select ‘Convert Selection to AAC’ and iTunes will convert the song as another copy in the AAC format.
6: Now Control-Click or Right-click the ringtone and select ‘Delete’ making sure to click on the “Keep Files” button
7: Locate the file you just created. Typically located in your home directory under Music > iTunes > iTunes Music and then under the band’s name, the file you’re looking for will have an m4a extension
8: Now replace the ‘m4a’ extension of the ringtone file with “m4r” , so if the file is named MrRoboto.m4a the new file will be called MrRoboto.m4r – you’ll get a warning about changing the file extension time but click “OK”
9: Double click to open the ringtone file you just renamed. iTunes will automatically add this new ringtone to the Ringtones folder within the application
10: Finally, connect your iPhone and sync your new ringtone! You can then select it as any other iPhone ringtone via your iPhone settings.

Computer Hardware Laptop

Lenovo x220 BIOS 1.26 – fixes suspend problem

Looks like my Lenovo x220 got a new BIOS update!

official download link : 1.26 BIOS

changelog :

UEFI: 1.26 / ECP: 1.13
– (New) Allow to enable WWAN and WLAN device simultaneously.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue that might not resume from suspend state with combination of
specific CPU and BIOS setting for Intel Hyper-Threading Technology.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue where the maximum number of failed password attempts for WMI
was not 3.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue that error message is displayed when system is undocked from

UEFI: 1.25 / ECP: 1.13
– (Fix) Fixed an issue where SATA BIOS might return timeout error with
SATA compatibility mode.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue where updating BIOS might not be completed if it is
executed after resume.

UEFI: 1.24 / ECP: 1.13
– (Fix) Corrected a description of VERSION in this README document.

UEFI: 1.24 / ECP: 1.13
– (New) Improved memory resource allocation process to reserve more memory space
for optional hardware devices.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue that intranet account login failure for ThinkVantage
Hardware Password Manager.
– (Fix) Allowed system recovery from POST 191 error without loading setup defaults
in BIOS setup menu by press F9 key.

UEFI: 1.22 / ECP: 1.12
– (New) Add support for old type external fingerprint reader.
– (New) Add support an option to change product name and version format in
– (Fix) Fixed an issue where system boot might be slow with special condition.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue where system might be halt when some mobile phone is
attached on USB port.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue where system performance might be down in high stress
– (Fix) Fixed an issue where Flash Update utility fails when DEP (Data Execute
Prevention) is enabled.
– (Fix) Fixed an issue that Hard Disk Password is unintentionally enabled for eSATA
HDD on dock.

UEFI: 1.21 / ECP: 1.11
– (Fix) According to the smartphone issue below, following smartphones are tested:
Motorola: Droid 2, Droid X
HTC: Nexus One, EVO, Droid Incredible, Droid Incredible 2, ThunderBolt, Aria
Samsung: Captivate, Galaxy Tab<

cPanel linux

Copying cPanel resller account to cPanel server with root access

So I was in the process of moving a users cPanel account from an old server where he only had Reseller access to, on to my server, where I have root access. Typically you can use the method of the built in transfer within cPanel, but it is required you have root access on both servers. Because of this, it makes reseller accounts tricky. We need to do the following :

On the old server, where you have the reseller, or shared account :

1. Login to accounts cpanel (or

2. You will then search for backups and hit enter

3. Now click on back up wizard option

[zp src=”reseller.jpg” album=”blog/cpanel/transfers/” width=”600″]

You can select wherever you would like to store it, but I prefer to jut SCP it right over to my new server.

on the new server, where you have root access :

1. Login to your server via SSH using something like putty

2. cd /home

3. wget

4. log in to WHM & /Backup Restore a Full Backup/cpmove file

Note that you do need to 0777 the back up file, or you will run into permission issues when copying (if doing the backup to HOME DIR).

If you want to re-assign the reseller account, you do need to go to the reseller central, and apply the accounts to the reseller that owns them now.

Apple OS X

Check MacBook Air SSD Model

I just received my new MacBook Air 13.3″ (MC965LL/A) and I heard that they put in 2 different SSD’s in each one. I found the best way to check which drive you have, and which is technically ‘better’.

Go to : Apple Menu > About This Mac > More Info > System Report > Serial-ATA.

You should see something called APPLE SSD :

[zp src=”MBA-SSD.png” album=”blog/apple/” width=”600″]

If it is TS it is a Toshiba and probably a bit slower. If it is SM, it is a Samsung drive and faster.

Apple OS X

Check MacBook Air for LCD Model

Not only are there different SSD’s in the new (MC965LL/A) MacBook air’s, but they also seem to have different LCD’s. Everyone seems to think the Samsung is better looking, but here is how to check

Launch the Terminal Applications – > Utilities
Copy and paste the following command onto a single line and hit return:

ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed "/[^<]*

If it starts with LP, it is LG, if it is anything else, it is Samsung. Like mine, it is Samsung :

[zp src="MBA-LCD.png" album="blog/apple/" width="600"]

Windows Media Center

How to reset Windows Media Center settings

Ever have issues with duplicate lineups? Duplicate channel listings in your guide? Or just overall quirky issues with your media center? I found a quick and simple way to reset it to default.

All you need to do is go to the C/ProgramData/Microsoft/eHome folder and rename or delete (I would advise rename) mcepg2-0.db and the folder mcepg2-0. Then just restart your Windows Media Center services. The way I went about it was through safe mode, as I could not do it while the system was running within windows itself. Once you do that, reboot, and you have a fresh Windows Media Center copy. If you need to re import your recordings, now is a good time.

Windows Media Center

Backup and Restore Recordings for Media Center – Windows 7

I needed to reformat my DVR computer, and I wanted to keep my subscriptions, and recording lineup, etc. So I needed to find out how and where Media Center stores this information, so I could easily restore it.

What to back up :

I backed up this folder : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\eHome , the folder you are really after is the one called mcepgX-X-X, mine was called mcepg2-0. I was backing up that entire directory (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\eHome) because I was unsure if they would ever change that directory for some odd reason. So I figured better be safe then sorry. I just had a robocopy script that did this nightly for me.

This is what my directory looks like :
[zp src=”storage_pic1.jpg” album=”blog/mediacenter/” width=”600″]

How to restore

Open a command prompt windows and run this C:\Windows\ehome\loadmxf.exe –i locationofbackupfiles
This is what mine command looked like :

C:\Windows\ehome>loadmxf.exe -i "C:\Users\1337sk33t\Desktop\Media Center Backup
Loading... 100%

You noticed I pointed it to the files without extensions themselves. I did the recordings, I wasn’t sure what the subscriptions or lineup were so I skipped them. I then went to download the latest TV Guide and everything popped right up!

Tasks > Settings > TV > Guide > Get Latest Guide Listings

Enjoy, please test your back up, make sure you have a reliable back up. Something like SugarSync/DropBOX are pretty reliable, and free sources of backing up.