
mobile iron root checker app for MDM Android

I wanted to use my rooted/unlocked nexus 6 on my companies Mobile Iron MDM, so I ended up having to relock and unroot. I still had issues with Mobile Iron saying my OS was comprimised. I went through a few apps, and it was still flagged. I contacted Mobile Iron and they said they had an application called root checker that tells you why it’s flagged.

This is the most recent as of today:

You have to enable ‘Unknown Sources’ under Settings -> Peronsal Security -> Unknown Sources and install it.

Then you can run it and it will basically tell you what’s flagged.

looks like this was being abused, I was contacted by mobile iron to remove this. I am guessing someone used this to skirt around the lockdown. tsk tsk!

Operating Systems

power shell script unmounting system reserved

I need a powershell way to remove the system reserved drive letter, as there is no reason for our users to actually use that, and access it. In powershell drop this code in:

$target = (Get-Volume -FileSystemLabel “System Reserved”).DriveLetter+ “:”
$volume = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume -Filter “DriveLetter=’$target'”

if ($null -ne $volume)
$volume.DriveLetter = $null

Save it, make sure it’s a ps1 file and execute, it will remove the Drive Letter, and unmount it.


Copy cisco running config with putty

I wanted to do a quick backup of my running config without needing to setup a TFTP server.

You will first want to get to enabled mode

router$ enable

Then run terminal length 0, as this will let the screen spit out all data without pruning with the ‘—-more—-‘ from output.

router# terminal length 0

The next step is configuring your putty session as follows:

Right-click the window title and choose ‘Change Settings’
On the left, select ‘Logging’ under ‘Session’
Select the ‘All session output’ radio button and choose a destination file
Click “Apply”
Now send a ‘show running-config’ command and the config will be sent to your log file.

router# sh run

Android Google

How to get LG G3 in recovery mode

You need to power off the device, then hold volume down, and the power button until the LG logo pops up. Then let off BOTH buttons for about 1 second, then hit them both again and recovery should startup. You will select yes to wipeing and that will get you into recovery. This is assuming you have recovery installed.

Windows 7

Disable Windows Startup Repair as Default Option

I was having issues where my older raid card would not get recognized on the first boot, causing windows to reboot, then BSOD. So 50% of the time I would reboot and would be stuck on the repair screen, so I wanted to disable it. Apparently you can through the bcdedit!

bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

Operating Systems Powershell Uncategorized Windows 7

copy a file into all user directories via bat files for windows 7 or xp using a wildcard

I needed to copy one file into all of the user directories on computers. I ended up creating a for loop, print it, then use that list as a variable to throw in, worked great. This was one of the few things I could not find on google, so hopefully this hits a few keywords for people when they’re searching. IT IS POSSIBLE! This can be done in BAT, CMD, OR just dump it into a command pronpt changing your own directories/variables as needed.

REM this prints all users in C:\Users\ and then copies the EssUser.cfg file to the PartsDoc Dir
FOR /D %%G IN (c:\Users\*.*) DO xcopy /Y /H /R "E:\PartsDoc Updates\EssUser.cfg" "%%G\Documents\CLAAS\PartsDoc\"


Someone is currently logged into the APC Management Web Server

All you have to do to fix this is telnet into the IP using the credentials, the defaults are usually APC // APC and then drill down to reboot management interface, and that will kick all sessions.

Android Google

How to enable tethering/hotspot on Lollipop on the Nexus 6

I have gotten this to work on stock 5.0 and stock 5.0.2 Nexus 6 with ATT.

Pre-req is you must be at least rooted. All work is done at your own risk, as modifying your system files can really muck your device up if done incorrectly.

1) Using a file explorer, navigate to /system/
2) backup build.prop
3) edit the build.prop file with a text editor
4) Add the following line to the bottom of build.prop file: net.tethering.noprovisioning=true
5) Save the file and reboot the phone


Operating Systems server 2012

How to change license from server 2012 r2 eval with MAK key

I found out you can do this pretty simply. I wanted to change my 2012 R2 Standard Eval ISO to use my 2012 R2 Standard MAK key. I ran this in an elevated command prompt:

DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx /AcceptEula

replacing the x’s with your key, hit enter and it should work with a requested reboot right after it completes.

Windows 7

creating large, empty files in windows

I ran this in Windows 7, but using fsutil you have a LOT of options.

fsutil file createnew c:\testfile.txt 150000000

this created a 150mb empty file so I can use for testing. If you run fsutil you will see you have a lot more options:

8dot3name 8dot3name managment
behavior Control file system behavior
dirty Manage volume dirty bit
file File specific commands
fsinfo File system information
hardlink Hardlink management
objectid Object ID management
quota Quota management
repair Self healing management
reparsepoint Reparse point management
resource Transactional Resource Manager management
sparse Sparse file control
transaction Transaction management
usn USN management
volume Volume management