Operating Systems Powershell Uncategorized Windows 7

copy a file into all user directories via bat files for windows 7 or xp using a wildcard

I needed to copy one file into all of the user directories on computers. I ended up creating a for loop, print it, then use that list as a variable to throw in, worked great. This was one of the few things I could not find on google, so hopefully this hits a few keywords for people when they’re searching. IT IS POSSIBLE! This can be done in BAT, CMD, OR just dump it into a command pronpt changing your own directories/variables as needed.

REM this prints all users in C:\Users\ and then copies the EssUser.cfg file to the PartsDoc Dir
FOR /D %%G IN (c:\Users\*.*) DO xcopy /Y /H /R "E:\PartsDoc Updates\EssUser.cfg" "%%G\Documents\CLAAS\PartsDoc\"

Operating Systems server 2012

How to change license from server 2012 r2 eval with MAK key

I found out you can do this pretty simply. I wanted to change my 2012 R2 Standard Eval ISO to use my 2012 R2 Standard MAK key. I ran this in an elevated command prompt:

DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx /AcceptEula

replacing the x’s with your key, hit enter and it should work with a requested reboot right after it completes.

Windows 7

creating large, empty files in windows

I ran this in Windows 7, but using fsutil you have a LOT of options.

fsutil file createnew c:\testfile.txt 150000000

this created a 150mb empty file so I can use for testing. If you run fsutil you will see you have a lot more options:

8dot3name 8dot3name managment
behavior Control file system behavior
dirty Manage volume dirty bit
file File specific commands
fsinfo File system information
hardlink Hardlink management
objectid Object ID management
quota Quota management
repair Self healing management
reparsepoint Reparse point management
resource Transactional Resource Manager management
sparse Sparse file control
transaction Transaction management
usn USN management
volume Volume management

Windows 7

setting up putty to be used as a socks5 proxy over ssh

This was taken from:

I am posting this for my own knowledge, just incase that site ever goes down.

Run PuTTY. It starts in the “Session” screen; fill in the settings for your SSH connection. The fields “Host Name” and “Port” are pretty self-explanatory. You can enter the username too by filling the “Host Name” field in the “user@host” format. Make sure “SSH” is selected in “Connection type:”.
Go to the “Connection” -> “SSH” -> “Tunnels” screen to configure our tunnel.
Under “Add new forwarded port:”, enter some big integer of your choice to enter for the “Source port” field. (The first thousand or so ports are sometimes reserved by the operating system; so pick something bigger.) Here I will use arbitrarily choose 1080 (the SOCKS port).
Leave the “Destination” field blank.
Select the “Dynamic” radio button.
Click the “Add” button. You should see a line in the text box that reads “D1080” (or whatever number you chose).
(For those interested, this is the “-D” option in OpenSSH.)
(Optional:) By default the a login session is opened in the terminal, which usually runs a “shell”, allowing you to run commands on the command line on the remote computer. If you absolutely do not wish to use this, you may be able to disable it via the following:
Go to the “Connection” -> “SSH” screen.
Check the “Don’t start a shell or command at all” box.
(For those interested, this is the “-N” option in OpenSSH.)
(Optional:) At this point, it is a good idea to create a saved session, so you do not have to go through this process every time. If you wish to do so, go back to the “Session” screen; enter a name for the session and click “Save”.
Now you can open the connection. Click the “Open” button at the bottom.
The session window will open. If this is your first time connecting, it will ask you to add the key; “yes” is recommended. Enter the password when prompted. (You may also set it up to authenticate using public key instead of password, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.)
The login session is now connected. As long as the session is open, you will now have a SOCKS proxy running on on the local computer (localhost) at port 1080 (or whatever port you chose).

Example: Mozilla Firefox browser
Go to “Tools” menu -> “Options”
Go to “Advanced” screen -> “Network” tab
In the “Connection” section, click the “Settings…” button
Select the “Manual proxy configuration” radio button
Make sure “Use this proxy server for all protocols” is unchecked
Make sure the “HTTP Proxy”, “SSL Proxy”, “FTP Proxy”, “Gopher Proxy” fields are cleared
For “SOCKS Host”, enter “”, and for “Port” enter 1080 (or whatever port you chose)
Select the “SOCKS v5” radio button
Click OK. Click OK.
Preventing DNS leaks is supported in Firefox and above. Do the following:
Go to the URL “about:config”
Find the setting “network.proxy.socks_remote_dns” and set it to “true”
Example: Internet Explorer browser
Go to “Tools” menu -> “Internet Options”
Go to “Connections” tab
Click the “LAN Settings” button
In the “Proxy server” section, make sure the “Use a proxy server for your LAN…” box is checked
Click the “Advanced” button
Make sure “Use the same proxy server for all protocols” is unchecked
Make sure the “HTTP”, “Secure”, “FTP” fields are cleared
For “Socks”, enter “” as the address, and for “Port” enter 1080 (or whatever port you chose)
Click OK. Click OK. Click OK.
I don’t know of any built-in support for preventing DNS leaks

I take ZERO credit for this writeup, again, this is just for my knowledge if I need to reference it again.

Operating Systems Windows 8

alt f4 on surface pro with type keyboard 2

I couldn’t get alt f4 working on any of my apps on my new microsoft surface pro with type keyboard 2. It ended up being that my function lock was set! I had to unlock that via: function + caps lock (Thanks rsutoratosu on Anandtech). And now ALT F4 works, time to go kill some apps!

Operating Systems Windows 7

How To Install Windows 7 from a USB Key with ISO links!

I’ve been reading a few methods to install Windows 7 from an ISO to a jump drive, or DVD. The best method to do it from a Windows computer is to obtain Microsoft’s own software for the task :

Install that, and point it to the jump drive you want to use (it will get wiped), and point it to the ISO you want to install on to it.

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1-U ISO

English x86: X17-59463.iso
English x64: X17-59465.iso

French x86: X17-59477.iso
French x64: X17-59479.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58877.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58879.iso

Windows 7 Professional SP1-U ISO

English x86: X17-59183.iso
English x64: X17-59186.iso

German x86: X17-59886.iso
German x64: X17-59885.iso

French x86: X17-59195.iso
French x64: X17-59197.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58866.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58868.iso

Italian x86: X17-59212.iso
Italian x64: X17-59215.iso

Portuguese x86: X17-59246.iso
Portuguese x64: X17-59247.iso

Swedish x86: X17-59271.iso
Swedish x64: X17-59273.iso

Norwegian x86: X17-59229.iso
Norwegian x64: X17-59231.iso

Finnish x86: X17-59192.iso
Finnish x64: X17-59194.iso

Dutch x86: X17-59233.iso
Dutch x64: X17-59236.iso

Danish x86: X17-59891.iso
Danish x64: X17-59883.iso

Traditional Chinese x86: X17-59295.iso
Traditional Chinese x64: X17-59297.iso

Korea x86: X17-59299.iso
Korea x64: X17-59300.iso

Windows 7 Professional N SP1-U ISO (Note: N editions come without media components)

English x86: X17-59335.iso
English x64: X17-59337.iso

German x86: X17-59323.iso
German x64: X17-59327.iso

French x86: X17-59348.iso
French x64: X17-59351.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58871.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58874.iso

Italian x86: X17-59364.iso
Italian x64: X17-59366.iso

Portuguese x86: X17-59395.iso
Portuguese x64: X17-59398.iso

Swedish x86: X17-59418.iso
Swedish x64: X17-59424.iso

Norwegian x86: X17-59380.iso
Norwegian x64: X17-59383.iso

Finnish x86: X17-59344.iso
Finnish x64: X17-59346.iso

Dutch x86: X17-59384.iso
Dutch x64: X17-59387.iso

Danish x86: X17-59318.iso
Danish x64: X17-59320.iso

Windows 7 Home Premium SP1-U ISO

English x86: X17-58996.iso
English x64: X17-58997.iso

Spanish x86: X17-58857.iso
Spanish x64: X17-58859.iso

French x86: X17-59007.iso
French x64: X17-59009.iso

Thanks to, where I got the information easily. These are the official ISO’s from Microsoft, so get them while you can!

Operating Systems Software Windows 7

Temporary profile creates in Windows 7

I had a user who logs in with a domain account and creates a temporary directory every time he logs in. This is what I did that fixed it :

1. Log on to the system by using an administrative user account other than the user account that is experiencing the problem.
2. Back up all data in the current user’s profile folder if the profile folder still exists, and then delete the profile folder. By default, the profile resides in the following location: %SystemDrive%\Users\UserName, you could just rename it something different in the same folder.
3. Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
4. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click Continue.
Locate the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
5. Under the ProfileList subkey, delete the subkey that is named SID.bak
Note SID is a placeholder for the security identifier (SID) of the user account that is experiencing the problem. The SID.bak subkey should contain a ProfileImagePath registry entry that points to the original profile folder of the user account that is experiencing the problem. You would delete the SID.BAK with an issue :

[zp src=”sidkey.jpg” album=”blog/etc/” width=”600″]

6. Exit Registry Editor.
7. Log off the system.
8. Log on to the system again.

Server 2003

Large ntuser.dat files in server 2003 – HP driver issue

Originally our terminal service server ran out of space, wondering why, we went to investigate and saw that ntuser.dat files were about 400MB or more. We also noted that new users logging in were taking 15-20 minutes to actually load into the terminal service the first time. What we eventually found out was that the HP Drivers were causing the issue.

You will want to delete this key + and sub keys (I advise running a export of the registry first, just in case):

– HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\Install\Software\hewlett-packard

Then we deleted all the user profiles that were bigger then 100mb and they recreated.

You will also want to verify that the default user registry hive (the ntuser.dat file) is not over 512kb or so (that was our default size).

– HKUsers\.Default\Software\Hewlett-Packard

drivers Operating Systems Windows 7

Getting Panasonic CF-53 USB3.0 Drivers to load into WinPE/Landesk

This one was a headache! I got all drivers loaded properly for Panasonic CF-53 in Windows 7, except one unknown device, which was actually a USB 3.0 Hub driver. It would not load the traditional way, so what I ended up doing was taking the drivers, and putting them on the image itself under C:\windows\inf folder

If you would like the drivers, you can get them here :

drivers Operating Systems Windows 7

Panasonic Toughbook CF-53 ACPI\MAT0021 driver

We are getting in some new CF-53 – Standard laptops. My task is to find some drivers that are missing. One was


The driver is for the Panasonic Misc. You can get it from Panasonic’s website, or you can pull it from here (this one is for windows 7 32bit sp1):

If you have a different model Toughbook, you will want to go through Panasonic’s driver website, searching with your specific model laptop.

Enjoy :).